This was one of my favorite family sessions, and one of my all time favorite locations.
We had an uninvited guest come to our little party... this crazy horse came trotting to the fence and wouldn't leave us alone. We tried moving. He followed. I'm sure he just wanted a friend. Finally I just gave up and embraced it. It actually turned out to be one of my favorite shots.
For a horse, I'd say he was pretty photogenic!
Thanks, H family, for the fun! You guys are always good looking and fun to be with!
Well, it's been a long couple of weeks, I filled a hard drive, and my internet broke... all I can say is it's a good thing that my hubby is my tech support! Here is the rest of Milee's session, finally!
A quick little preview for Amber! This was such a great experience to photograph both boys and one of my easiest newborn shoots ever. This little bundle was just 3 days old on the day of the shoot (Tuesday). I couldn't get over his HAIR! It was so thick and soft, and big brother Kael is a seriously good natured baby and quite adorable himself!
This little family's story is so sweet and such a miracle... twice over! They adopted little Kael and soon after discovered they would be having baby Dax. These two little brothers are just 9 monhts apart. Amber, you are going to have your hands so full, but I can say from experience that they'll be such good buddies for each other! I'm so happy for you and your wonderful little family, I love your babies!
Copyright 2009 Mindy Black. All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Mindy Black Photography, and may not be used or copied without written consent. Please do not use any photographs without written permission.